Embark on a journey through the mystical seasons, and harness the magick of the each Sabbat with our enchanting Wheel of the Year 8 candle set.
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The Wheel of the Year is a sacred cycle, weaving together eight festivals that honor the changing seasons. These festivals mark both Solar energies (solstices and equinoxes) and Fire energies (cross-quarter days). At Mystic Pines Candle Co., we’ve captured this mystical essence in our exquisite candle set.
The Eight Sabbats:
Imbolc ~ Candlemas - Embrace the returning light with our Imbolc candle, scented with fresh snowdrops and hints of hearthfire.
Ostara Candle ~ Spring Equinox - As spring blossoms forth, light our Ostara candle infused with oat and light floral notes and the promise of new beginnings.
Beltane ~ May Day - Dance around the Maypole with our Beltane candle, fragrant with blooming flowers and the warmth of the sun.
Litha ~ Summer Solstice - Celebrate the longest day with our Litha candle, radiating sun-kissed Lemon Verbena and golden energy.
Lughnasadh ~ First Harvest - Reap the rewards of summer’s bounty with our Lughnasadh candle, scented with ripe fruits, spices and gratitude.
Mabon ~ Autumn Equinox - As leaves fall, light our Mabon candle, capturing the essence of apple orchards and cozy hearths.
Samhain ~ New Year - Honor the thin veil between worlds with our Samhain candle, infused with spices, pumpkin, and ancient wisdom.
Yule ~ Winter Solstice - Embrace the darkness and welcome the returning light with our Yule candle, reminiscent of evergreen forests and hearthfires.
Order the Wheel of the Year 8 candle set and receive a special gift! With each set sold, you’ll receive a beautifully crafted wooden board adorned with the eight Sabbat symbols and seasonal information. Use it to connect with the festivals, set intentions, or simply bask in its magical energy.
Remember, every candle you light is a spell cast, every fragrance a whispered incantation!
Mystic Pines’ Wheel of the Year Candle Set consists 8 of the following candles:
The Four Fire Festivals
Imbolc ~ Candlemas - St. Brigid’s Day (White Candle)
Beltane ~ May Day (Lavender Candle)
Lughnasadh ~ First Harvest (Gold Candle)
Samhain ~ New Year (Black Candle)
The Four Solar Festivals
Yule ~ Winter Solstice (Blue Candle)
Ostara ~ Spring Equinox (Pink Candle)
Litha ~ Summer Solstice (Yellow Candle)
Mabon ~ Autumn Equinox (Green Candle)
Each 16 oz Wheel of the Year prayer jar is a handcrafted 100% soy and beeswax (cotton-wicked) blended candle infused with high-grade essential and fragrance oils. Each candle is crystal blessed with specific stones and herbs, raising their spiritual vibration in honor of each festival.
🕯️ About Mystic Pines Candles
- Our candles are meticulously handcrafted using 100% American-grown soy and beeswax.
- Each candle features a lead-free cotton wick and receives crystal blessings.
- Please allow 4 to 6 business days for us to complete and ship your order.
🔥 Candle Care Tips
- For optimal burn time, let the wax create a full ‘pool’ that reaches the edge of the glass.
- Avoid placing candles near moving air (ceiling fans, floor fans) to ensure even burning.
⚖️ Legal Disclaimer
- Our candles are sold as curios only. While we pour love and healing, loving and intentional energy into each candle creation, we cannot guarantee specific outcomes.
- Remember to infuse your candles with your own positive intentions.
🔥 Safety First
- Never leave a burning candle unattended.
- Some candles may contain crystals or herbs that could spark or crack the glass. Use a fireproof dish for votives and tea lights.
📸 Copyright Notice
- All content, artwork, and photographs on our site belong to Mystic Pines Candle Co. Please refrain from downloading or reproducing them without our written permission.